Atlanta Outpatient Programs for Mental Health & Substance Use

6425 Powers Ferry Rd, Suite 300, Atlanta 30339


Veterans Mental Health Treatment

The Berman Center offers mental health treatment for veterans in Atltanta.

Veterans Mental Health Treatment

At The Berman Center in Atlanta, we offer a specialized veterans mental health treatment program designed to provide comprehensive support for veterans dealing with issues like PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Our intensive outpatient program offers veterans personalized care from licensed counselors with therapy and activities tailored to their needs. We aim to help veterans transition from past struggles to a healthy, meaningful life with the tools and support they need for long-term wellness.

Whether it’s depression treatment, anxiety treatment or treatment for another mental health disorder, we can help at The Berman Center.

Adults 18+



Learn more about our anxiety treatment program at The Berman Center.
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Adults 18+



Explore our depression treatment center in Atlanta.
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Adults 18+

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Discover how our approach to bipolar disorder at The Berman Center.
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Adults 18+



We offer dual-diagnosis treatment for co-occuring disorders.
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Veterans Mental Health Challenges

Veterans often face a unique set of mental health challenges stemming from their experiences during and after military service. The transition from military to civilian life can be overwhelming. Veterans may struggle to adjust to a world that feels so different from the intense and structured environment they were used to during service. The adjustment can bring about or worsen mental health issues.

One of the primary challenges veterans face is dealing with the aftermath of trauma they experienced during their service. Whether it’s combat exposure, witnessing the loss of their comrades or being involved in life-threatening situations, these experiences can ultimately leave deep psychological scars.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a somewhat common condition among veterans. Symptoms include hypervigilance, flashbacks, nightmares and emotional numbness. The constant state of alertness and the inability to escape war memories can make it hard for veterans to reintegrate into their daily lives.

In addition to PTSD, veterans often grapple with depression and anxiety, leading to isolation and hopelessness.

Survivor’s guilt can be another issue for veterans when they wonder why they survived but others didn’t.

The abuse of drugs or alcohol can occur as a coping mechanism to numb experiences from the past or manage mental health symptoms. Unfortunately, this can lead to a dangerous addiction cycle. Addiction further complicates mental health.

The stigma that comes with mental health in the military and veteran communities can be a barrier to receiving needed help. Many veterans may feel that if they admit to struggling with mental health, it’s a sign of weakness. There may also be a fear that getting veterans mental health treatment would impact careers, reputation or relationships. The reluctance to get help deepens isolation and suffering.

By understanding these unique challenges, The Berman Center can provide mental health treatment, tools and support to help veterans build healthy and meaningful lives after service.

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Veterans Mental Health Treatment Programs at The Berman Center

Our veterans’ mental health treatment programs integrate comprehensive care addressing mental health issues and the specific challenges veterans often face. The program is part of our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Atlanta, which is designed to provide flexible but effective treatment supporting long-term wellness.

Personalized Treatment Plans
Every veteran entering our program is assigned a counselor who works with them closely to develop a personalized treatment plan. The plan is based on the veteran’s experiences, challenges, and goals. The initial focus is often on gaining insight into past issues like loss or trauma and understanding how these experiences impact mental health. As a veteran progresses through the program, the focus shifts to the present, helping build resilience and coping strategies. From there, we look to the future, guiding them toward a healthy, meaningful life.
Comprehensive Therapy Options
The Berman Center offers a range of therapy modalities, ensuring every veteran receives the type of care best suited to their needs. Among these include:
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: CBT helps veterans identify their negative thought patterns that contribute to mental issues such as PTSD so they can then change them.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy: DBT focuses on mindfulness, emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships.
  • Trauma therapy: Specifically designed to address experiences during military service, trauma therapy helps veterans as they process their experiences to then begin healing.
  • Mindfulness and meditation training: Our team teaches strategies to stay grounded in the present, reducing anxiety and improving mental health overall.
  • Group therapy: Offering a supportive environment, veterans can share experiences with others who understand their struggles, promoting community and reducing isolation.
  • Family therapy: When possible and appropriate, our programs include loved ones in the healing process, helping to rebuild relationships.
We encourage you to reach out whether you’d like to learn more about veterans’ mental health treatment for yourself or a loved one at our outpatient mental health center.
Experiential and Holistic Therapies

Beyond traditional therapy, our programs integrate experiential and holistic approaches.

  • Yoga therapy combines physical movement and mindfulness to help reduce stress and improve physical health.
  • Art and music therapy can be creative outlets to express emotions and process experiences, facilitating self-discovery and healing.
  • Personal training and nutritional counseling support physical well-being, which is closely associated with mental health.
Ongoing Support and Community

One of the most significant benefits of our veterans’ mental health programs is our ongoing support. We offer 24/7 counselor support, ongoing recovery coaching and the opportunity to participate in multi-family and gender-specific groups. The sense of community and belonging helps veterans feel supported throughout their recovery journey.

Flexible Schedule

The program’s structure allows veterans to participate in intensive therapy while maintaining responsibilities at home. Veterans attend the program three days a week, with three daily group sessions. This allows them to continue treatment without disrupting their lives, making it easier for them to commit to and complete the program.


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Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Veterans

Along with primary mental health care programs, we offer dual diagnosis treatment to address the complicated relationship between addiction and mental health disorders.

Veterans can be particularly vulnerable to developing co-occurring disorders. The pressure to perform under extreme conditions, trauma exposure and the challenges of transitioning back to civilian life can all contribute to developing mental health issues and substance use disorders. When the conditions occur together, recovery can be harder if not treated simultaneously.

For example, a veteran who’s struggling with PTSD might turn to alcohol or drugs to numb the emotional pain they’re feeling and the flashbacks linked to their trauma. Substance use can make PTSD symptoms worse. That leads to a destructive cycle requiring integrated treatment to break.

Without addressing both disorders at the same time, treatment tends to be less effective, with relapse more likely. Our dual diagnosis programs are designed with veterans in mind to provide relevant care sensitive to the specific needs and experiences of those who have served our country.

Stories of Hope

Don't Wait Any Longer

Recovery is waiting for you at The Berman Center’s addiction treatment facility in Atlanta. Start now.

Get Veterans' Mental Health Treatment at The Berman Center

Along with our IOP, The Berman Center offers other levels of mental health care and drug addiction treatment. We also understand the profound impact military service can have on veterans’ mental health. Our veterans treatment program offers comprehensive, personalized care to address those unique needs. We take a compassionate, veteran-centric approach. Reach out to take the first step toward a better future. 


Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Life?

Contact our caring team today to learn more about our top-rated dual diagnosis treatment in Atlanta.