Atlanta Outpatient Programs for Mental Health & Substance Use

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Self-Care for Mental Health: Practical Tips for Daily Well-Being

What comes to mind when defining self-care? If you are like many people, self-care means eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, getting restful sleep and practicing good hygiene habits. While those things are important, you cannot neglect self-care for mental health. If you aren’t taking steps to maintain your daily well-being, your whole self-care program is all for naught—and you make yourself vulnerable to sickness, poor mental health, and even relapse if you are in recovery.

This article focuses on the importance of self-care for mental health. If you are in recovery and need additional support in bolstering your mental self-care, The Berman Center can help you starting today. Our outpatient mental health center in Atlanta offers quality outpatient aftercare programs that give you the tools and support you need to grow strong in your recovery. Call us today.

Understanding Self-Care

Let’s take a deeper dive into the concept of self-care. Self-care is defined as the practice of looking after your health using the knowledge and information that is available to you. This practice is self-directed and empowers you to look after your own physical and mental well-being. Self-care programs allow you to treat many conditions on your own, empower you to take control of your overall health, and help you reduce the cost of healthcare for yourself.

Self-care involves making healthy lifestyle choices and abandoning habits that are harmful to your health. It also involves recognizing symptoms that may require the assistance of medical personnel. Additionally, self-care involves responsible use of both prescribed and non-prescribed medications.

How To Improve Your Self-Care for Mental Health

Self-care for mental health is the foundation for overall wellness. If you neglect your mental well-being, everything else you do to improve yourself will fall short. Without solid mental health, you become vulnerable to physical and mental illness. If you are in recovery from substance abuse, mental illness, or a dual diagnosis, you have a greater chance of relapse.

What steps can you take to improve your self-care for mental health? Believe it or not, there are easy things you can do every day to improve your mental health. The most common include the following:

Keep A Journal

One of the most common ways to practice self-care for your mental health is through journaling. Commonly known as keeping a mood diary, this practice involves taking time during the day to jot down what you are feeling. You can include moments where you feel happiness and gratitude, and you should also include times when you are feeling vulnerable and unwell.

Build Your Self-Esteem

A great way to improve your mental health self-care is through building your self-esteem. Self-esteem empowers you and gives you the confidence to recognize when you are not well and take the necessary steps to improve yourself. You can build your self-esteem by challenging thoughts that are toxic and unkind to you. You also can learn to say positive things about yourself and learn not to compare yourself to others.

Build A Support Network

Another way to improve self-care in mental health is through building and engaging with a strong support network. This can include family, friends, recovering peers, sponsors, counselors, and anyone else who is fully behind you. This support network will help you celebrate daily victories and will be your anchor during darker times. Your support group will also hold you accountable when you aren’t taking the time to practice self-care.


Take part in hobbies that you enjoy and that nourish your soul. This can include painting, music, hiking, martial arts, or other healthy pursuits. You can also take part in various mindfulness activities such as mindful meditation and yoga.

Jumpstart Your Self-Care Regimen With Help From The Berman Center

Good mental health is crucial to your overall well-being. As one of Atlanta’s premier treatment facilities, The Berman Center provides evidence-based outpatient care and support that makes a difference. We provide clients with substance abuse and mental health programs that restore your mind, body, and spirit. Our drug and alcohol rehab in Atlanta offers specialized dual diagnosis treatment, including programs for anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Our experienced treatment team will provide the tools and support you need to transform your life. Call The Berman Center right now and make the commitment to build a new and better you.

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The Berman Center offers high-quality behavioral healthcare treatment in Atlanta at our centralized location.

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