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HomeThe Role of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis RecoveryMental HealthThe Role of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis Recovery

The Role of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis Recovery

If you are newly recovering from a dual diagnosis, your road to recovery will be filled with many obstacles and challenges. While you may possess all the coping skills and tools needed for the long haul, you simply cannot recover from co-occurring disorders alone. While you have to do the heavy lifting of working on your individual program of recovery, long-term recovery from a dual diagnosis only occurs when you have the support of others who are also recovering from a dual diagnosis.

In this article, you will learn about the importance of peer support in dual diagnosis recovery. Are you starting your dual diagnosis recovery journey? Do you need extra tools and support to make your recovery a success? The Berman Center is a premier outpatient mental health center in Atlanta. Our evidence-based intensive outpatient programs are personalized to meet your unique needs. Offering specialized programs for both teens and adults, The Berman Center gives you the tools you need to manage dual diagnosis for a lifetime.

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The Importance of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis Recovery

If you recently completed a dual diagnosis treatment program, you may think you are well on your way toward a happier and brighter future. While dual diagnosis therapy and related evidence-based programs give you a solid foundation, these may not be enough to keep you on the path toward lasting recovery. When you encounter difficult days and feel vulnerable, the coping skills you learned in treatment may not be enough to help you push through. In order to keep moving forward, you need the support and encouragement from peers who share in your journey toward overall wellness.

Dual diagnosis support groups act as a buffer to help you better navigate the daily difficulties you experience in recovery. Dual diagnosis peer support groups are made up of people who have similar feelings and worries about co-occurring disorders. As a result, people in these groups have a better understanding of dual diagnosis as a condition and better understand others who are dealing with similar conditions.

Peer support in dual diagnosis recovery provides you with many benefits. First, dual diagnosis peer support helps you feel less isolated and lonely. Secondly, peer support groups reduce feelings of anxiety, distress, anxiety, and fatigue. Additionally, you learn new strategies to cope with the challenges of experiencing co-occurring disorders. Most importantly, you gain further insight into dual diagnosis as a condition and you learn about the resources in your community that can help you better manage your condition.

What Are Examples of Dual Diagnosis Peer Support Groups?

You may be surprised to learn there are many peer groups that focus on dual diagnosis. One of the most common dual diagnosis support groups is Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA). DDA is a 12-step-based support group where participants gather to discuss their issues and share their success stories. Like all 12-step groups, the basis of DDA is the concept of surrendering to a Higher Power in order to heal and draw strength.

Another popular peer support group is the NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group. Created by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Connection Recovery Support Group encourages empathy and a sense of community in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Within this group, people learn better coping skills, find strength in sharing, and understand that mental illness does not define yourself as a person. NAMI also offers state-by-state directories of dual diagnosis support groups near you.

You can also find local peer support groups with the help of Mental Health America (MHA). MHA has many local affiliates throughout the country offering valuable resources to those struggling with dual diagnosis, Additionally, you can talk to mental health and addiction professionals in your own community.

The Berman Center Will Give You The Tools And Support You Need to Conquer Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis recovery lasts a lifetime. During your recovery journey, you need to acquire the coping skills and support necessary to minimize the risk of relapse. The Berman Center features Atlanta dual diagnosis treatment, evidence-based programs, and services specifically tailored to meet the needs of both teens and adults. Our dedicated team of therapists and treatment professionals work to create a positive environment that allows you to become the happy and healthy person you deserve to become.

Call The Berman Center today and start living your best life.

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