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Mindful Parenting in the Digital Age: Nurturing Connection with Teens

There is no doubt that social media and the internet plays a huge role in the life of a teenager. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram provide virtual meeting places for friends, entertainment, and limitless sources for education. While digital platforms can be beneficial, teens can easily slide down the rabbit hole and become consumed with social media. It can even get to the point where teens can lose touch with family and their environment, and that’s where mindful parenting can play a crucial role.

If your teen is always using social media, what do you do to reconnect?

In this article, you will learn essential mindful parenting techniques you can use to help your teen plug back into daily life. Helping teens navigate this complex world is a difficult job, and sometimes you may need help. The Berman Center is an outpatient mental health center in Atlanta featuring programs and services specifically designed for teenagers. Our evidence-based programs focus on family involvement and giving your teen the tools they need to thrive and grow. Call us today and help your child live their best life.

Tips For Mindful Parenting In The Digital Age

If you are reading this and raising a teenager, you no doubt have your hands full. Your teen is experiencing a lot of stress associated with the growth of their body and brain. You may also be having to contend with the immense peer pressure they encounter on a daily basis, not to mention the increased expectations placed on your teen. When you add social media to the mix, it can feel as if you are losing touch with your teen.

While the pull of social media is immense, you can engage in mindful parenting and build connection with your teens by utilizing the following tips:

Talk To Your Teen

The best way to engage in mindful parenting in the digital age is to talk to your teen about the internet. Take the time to truly listen to them about how and why they use the internet and the benefits they receive from its use. You need to be upfront in your concerns about online bullying. You may consider creating some sort of family internet usage contract to help guide your teen on how to maximize their internet usage.

Establish Device-Free Times

Another great way to establish mindful parenting in the digital age is to set up times during the day where no one in the family uses any devices. The most obvious times of the day are during mealtime and at bedtime. When your son or daughter is doing schoolwork, put their phones on “Do not disturb” mode. It may also be helpful to establish time limits on internet usage in the house.

Teach Healthy Coping Strategies

The teenage years are full of emotional volatility, and with social media they have an outlet to express what they feel. Unfortunately, teens often speak before they think, and they can end up posting something on social media that can have enormous repercussions. Help your teen develop healthy coping strategies that allow them to work through their feelings before they hop on the internet. 

Be A Role Model

The saying “practice what you preachis well-worn, but it is totally appropriate when it comes to mindful parenting. If you want your teen to establish healthy internet usage behaviors, you must set an example. Turn off your devices or put them on silent when not in use, and don’t use your phone or scroll social media sites when talking with your teen. Emphasize face-to-face interactions with your teen and family. 

The Berman Center Gives Your Teen The Tools They Need To Thrive

Being the parent of a teenager has its share of difficulties, and there may be times where extra help is needed. As a leading treatment center offering mental health treatment in Georgia, The Berman Center provides effective evidence-based treatment programs tailored to meet the specific needs of teens. Our programs emphasize family involvement in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Our experienced treatment staff will provide your teen and family the tools you need to grow as people and as a unit.

Call The Berman Center today and learn more about our teen therapy in Atlanta.

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